Relative Humdity and Dew Point Meters
5 Items

TPI 597C1 Digital Hygrometer/Psychrometer Measure Relative Humidity (RH), Dew Point, and Temperature
The TPI 597C1 digital hygrometer/psychrometer is a state of the art, easy to use low cost humidity tester designed to display ambient, dew point, and wet bulb temperature as well as humidity.

HD-110S Relative Humidity, Dew Point and Ambient Temperature Thermo-Hygrometer
HD-110S Measure Relative Humidity (Range is 5 to 95%), Dew Point Range 40 to +158°F (-40 to +70°C) and Ambient Temperature Range -40 to +158°F (-40 to +70°C).

AMI 310 Multifunction Base Meter Customize Your Own
The NEW Updated AMI 310 Complete Multifunction Indoor Air Quality meter. The AMI 310 can measures up to 6 parameters simultaneous parameters including pressure, temperature (Pt100 and thermocouple), humidity, air quality (CO/CO2), air velocity, airflow (vane probes and hotwire), and tachometry.

SHR-110 ABS Humidity, Dew Point and Temperature Probe for AMI 310 Multifunction Meter
SHR-110 ABS Hygrometry probe, 0.5" (13 mm) Diameter, 4" (110 mm) long. Measure Humidity 0 to 100%, Dew Point -58 to 212°Ftd, (-50 to +100°Ctd) and -4 to 176°F, (-20 to +80°C).

SHR-300 Stainless Steel Humidity, Dew Point and Temperature Probe for AMI 310 Multifunction Meter
SRH-300 Stainless steel hygrometry probe, 0.5" (13 mm) Diameter, 12" (300 mm) Long. Measure Humidity 0 to 100% RH, Dew Point -58 to 212°Ftd (-50 to +100°Ctd), Temperature -4 to 176°F (-40 to +180°C).